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 Awards for military



​[service towards the establishment of the State of Israel]

"Awards for military service towards the establishment of the State of Israel" are ribbons commemorating a person's involvement in engagements concerning the fighting and the struggle for the resurrection of the State of Israel, through underground organisations and military units, since the days of the "HaShomer" organization till the establishment of the State.

"Awards for military contribution towards the establishment of the State of Israel" and decorations are awarded by authorisation of government and a ministerial committee for symbols and ceremonies, with the exception of the Nazi Fighter Ribbon which is awarded according to the "Yad Vashem" regulation in the Remembrance and Holocaust Act, and in addition by the "status of the Second World War II" Act of 2000.

HaShomer Ribbon
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The ribbon is awarded to:

All those who were members of "HaShomer" in the period dating from 1909 to 1920. If the person eligible for this award has passed away, a family member (a spouse, a son, a daughter, a father, a mother, a brother, a sister, a grandson, a granddaughter) is entitled to submit an application requesting the ribbon, or an equivalent to the ribbon in event of loss or wear and tear.

Presentation of the ribbon began in 1981.


Nili Ribbon
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The ribbon is awarded to:

All those who were members of Nili (Netzah Israel lo Yeshaker) in the period dating from 1915 to 1917.

If the person eligible for this award has passed away, a family member (a spouse, a son, a daughter, a father, a mother, a brother, a sister, a grandson, a granddaughter) is entitled to submit an application requesting the ribbon, or an equivalent to the ribbon in event of loss or wear and tear.

Presentation of the ribbon began in 1981. 


The Volunteer Ribbon
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The ribbon is awarded to:

 A.  All those who during the World War I volunteered to the World War I Batalion.

B.  An Israeli citizen or a permanent resident of Israel who, or those who during permanent residency in Palestine volunteered during the World War I, to serve in the Turkish army according to the needs of the Yishuv's (the national Jewish institutions).

C.  Israeli citizens or permanent residents of Israel who volunteered for the British army during the World War II before 8/11/1944. If they volunteered in 8/11/1944 or later, the condition is that they served for six consecutive months or more.

D.  Citizens who volunteered during the Second World War are eligible for the Nazi Fighter ribbon for their engagement. 

If the person eligible for this award has passed away, a family member (a spouse, a son, a daughter, a father, a mother, a brother, a sister, a grandson, a granddaughter) is entitled to submit an application requesting the ribbon, or an equivalent to the ribbon in event of loss or wear and tear.

Presentation of the ribbon began in 1961.


The Haganah Ribbon
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The ribbon is awarded to:

A.  All those who were members of the Haganah and Palmach organizations for the term of six months or more in the period dating from 1920 up until the establishment of the state of Israel.

 1. No term restriction applies to those who were wounded during their service, were arrested or were engaged in military action:

2. Those who served under more then one underground movement are eligible to be awarded the ribbons of all the underground movements of which they were members:

If the person eligible for this award has passed away, a family member (a spouse, a son, a daughter, a father, a mother, a brother, a sister, a grandson, a granddaughter) is entitled to submit an application requesting the ribbon, or an equivalent to the ribbon in event of loss or wear and tear.

Presentation of the ribbon began in 1958. 


Hamishmar (border patrol) Ribbon
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The ribbon is awarded to:

 A.  An Israeli citizen or a permanent resident of Israel who served for a period of six months or more before the establishment of the State in the following organizations:

 1. The Jewish settlements police.

2. The "Special Night Squads" units.

3. The various "Notrim" (guards) units (special Jewish guards units carrying only small arms.

4. The state's (British governed) police.

5. In the country's gendarmerie - either Israeli or border forces   In the period dating from 1936 to 1939. 

  Providing their recruitment to the last three categories was in accordance with the Yishuv's institutions. 

If the person eligible for this award has passed away, a family member (a spouse, a son, a daughter, a father, a mother, a brother, a sister, a grandson, a granddaughter) is entitled to submit an application requesting the ribbon, or an equivalent to the ribbon in event of loss or wear and tear.

Presentation of the ribbon began in 1963.


[The Irgun] ETZEL - National Military Organization Ribbon

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 The ribbon is awarded to:

 A.  All those who were members of the National Military Organization (Irgun tzeva'I le'umi) for a term of six months or more, in the period dating from 1937 up until the establishment of the State of Israel.

 1. No term restriction applies to those who were wounded during their service, were arrested or were engaged in military action.

2. Those who served under more then one underground movement are eligible to be awarded the ribbons of all the underground movements of which they were members.

If the person eligible for this award has passed away, a family member (a spouse, a son, a daughter, a father, a mother, a brother, a sister, a grandson, a granddaughter) is entitled to submit an application requesting the ribbon, or an equivalent to the ribbon in event of loss or wear and tear.


[The] Nazi Fighter Ribbon
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The ribbon is awarded to:

An Israeli citizen or permanent resident of Israel who during World War II was engaged in the military campaign against the Nazi oppressors and their supporters and fought them in one of the Allies armed forces, including the English brigade, as a partisan or as an underground movement member during the set period of time which is between 1/9/1939 and the 1/9/1945, as specified by Yad Vashem regulation of 1968, and also based upon the "status of the World War II veterans" Act of 2000.

If the person eligible for this award has passed away, a family member (a spouse, a son, a daughter, a father, a mother, a brother, a sister, a grandson, a granddaughter) is entitled to submit an application requesting the ribbon, or an equivalent to the ribbon in event of loss or wear and tear.

Presentation of the ribbon began in 1967.


[The Stern Gang] LEHI - Fighters for the Freedom of Israel Ribbon
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The ribbon is awarded to:

All those who were members of the LEHI underground for a term of six months or more, in the period dating from 1940 up until the establishment of the State of Israel.   No term restriction applies to those who were wounded during their military service, were arrested or were engaged in military action.

 Those who served under more then one underground movement are entitled to be awarded the ribbons of all the underground movements of which they were members.

If the person eligible for this award has passed away, a family member (a spouse, a son, a daughter, a father, a mother, a brother, a sister, a grandson, a granddaughter) is entitled to submit an application requesting the ribbon, or an equivalent to the ribbon in event of loss or wear and tear.

Presentation of the ribbon began in 1980.