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Service Ribbons


​​​​"Service Ribbons" are ribbons commemorating a person's participation in war, campaign and combat up to the establishment of the State of Israel. These ribbons are awarded by authorisation of government, the IDF decorations Act and regulations set up by the Minister of Defence.

[The] War of Independence Ribbon
אות מלחמת העצמאות קוממיות שחרור.jpg

(also known as "freedom star" ribbon)

The ribbon is awarded to: A.  Any person who served in the IDF for a term of four months or more, between the 1st of February 1948 and 10th of March 1949.

B.  All the IDF soldiers who fell during the War of Independence. In this case the ribbon will be awarded to the soldier's family for custody.

C.  Those who do not fulfill the requirement of section A specified above, but have served in the IDF and have actually engaged in combat during the War of Independence. In this case every request will be dealt with separately. 

D.  Anyone who was confined to a border settlement for 120 consecutive days during the period specified in section A above. 

E.  This also applies to those who acted as officials dealing with immigration and procurement. 

If the person eligible for this award has passed away, a family member or next-of-kin (which includes, in this instance, a widower, a widow, a son, a daughter, a father, a mother, a brother or a sister) is entitled to submit an application requesting the ribbon, or get a replacement in the event of loss or wear and tear.

Presentation of the ribbon began in 1951.


[The] Sinai Campaign Ribbon
אות מבצע קדש (מלחמת סיני).jpg

The ribbon is awarded to: A.  All IDF personnel who served either on regular military service or on active reserve duty, for a term of 72 consecutive hours or more, in the period between the 29/10/1956 and the 6/11/1956.

B.  A solider who fell during the Sinai Campaign. 

C.  Anyone who was part of the Civil Defense command and served between the dates specified in section A above. 

D.  A civilian serving in the IDF and a civilian who volunteered as a driver of a mobilised vehicle as specified in section A above. 

In 1958 the Minister of Defence decided to extend the eligibility for the ribbon to the personnel of police, security forces and the Israeli military industry.

If the person eligible for this award has passed away, a family member or next-of-kin (which includes, in this instance, a widower, a widow, a son, a daughter, a father, a mother, a brother or a sister) is entitled to submit an application requesting the ribbon, or get a replacement in the event of loss or wear and tear.

Presentation of the ribbon began in 1957.


[The] Six Day War Ribbon
אות מלחמת ששת הימים.jpg

The ribbon is awarded to: A.  All IDF personnel who served either on regular military service or on special reserve duty, including a solider in an voluntary service, for the term of 24 hours or more, during the period from the 5/6/1967 to the 11/6/1967. 

B.  Soldiers who fell or were wounded during the campaign, even if they served for only part of that set period of time, and also soldiers who fell between 18/5/1967 and the 5/7/ 1967. 

C.  A civilian serving in the IDF (excluding voluntary minors) who held the status of an IDF employee from 1/4/ 1967 to the 11/6/1967. 

D.  A civilian who volunteered to serve as a driver of a mobilised vehicle, as well as a reserve soldier who was discharged from military service and who volunteered for active service in a military unit.

E.  Civilians who are security forces personnel, including the armament industries, officials dealing with national economy emergency system and whom the law has defined as civilian volunteers, who took part in the engagement, according to a special government ruling and who worked consecutively from 15/5/ 1967 to 12/6/1967. 

If the person eligible for this award has passed away, a family member or next-of-kin (which includes, in this instance, a widower, a widow, a son, a daughter, a father, a mother, a brother or a sister) is entitled to submit an application requesting the ribbon, or get a replacement in the event of loss or wear and tear.

Presentation of the ribbon began in 1967.


[The] War of Attrition Ribbon
אות מלחמת ההתשה.jpg

 The ribbon is awarded to:

A.  All IDF personnel who served for 30 consecutive days or more during the set period of time. 

B.  IDF reserve soldiers who served for an overall term of 30 days during the set period of time. 

C.  The set period of time is from 11/06/1967 to 08/08/1970. 

D.  In the case of missing, fallen and wounded soldiers, these are under no term restrictions (it is enough that they have served for one day). 

E.  Should the person eligible for this award have passed away and not been awarded the ribbon; the ribbon will be awarded to first degree next-of-kin. 

F.  Various groups of civilians who are eligible for a ribbon, providing that they have directly assisted the units in the battlefront or the near area and providing that they were engaged for a term of 30 consecutive days:

 1. Civilian personnel of the IDF (excluding voluntary minors).

2. Those working in the Ministry of Defense.

3. Those working in the Israeli Military Industries.

4. Those working in the Israeli Aircraft Industry.

5. Those working in "Rafael" (the armament Development Authority).

6. Those working in Shin-Bet - General security service.

7. Those working in the Mossad [Israeli undercover intelligence and special operations organization].

8. Those working in the "Shekem" army stores.

9. Employees and volunteers of the Servicemen's Welfare Association (AWIS).

10. Officials dealing with national economy emergency system.

11. Drivers of transport/haulage companies.

12. Drivers who were drafted to the army units together with their vehicles.

13. A driver who volunteered to drive a mobilised vehicle.

14. A person who was discharged from military service who volunteered for active duty.

G.  Others not belonging to the above, but during the set period of time were, for one consecutive month or more, directly engaged with the front units and has substantiated their claim (through documentation) to the satisfaction of the person authorised by the Minister of Defence to deal with this issue, will be eligible for a ribbon.

If the person eligible for this award has passed away, a family member or next-of kin (which includes, in this instance, a widower, a widow, a son, a daughter, a father, a mother, a brother or a sister) is entitled to submit an application requesting the ribbon, or get a replacement in the event of loss or wear and tear.

The ribbon began to be awarded on the 7/5/2003.


[The] Yom Kippur War Ribbon
אות מלחמת יום כיפור.jpg

The ribbon is awarded to:

A.  All IDF personnel who served either on regular military service or on active reserve duty for a term of three consecutive days or more, during the set period of time which is from the 6/10/1973 to the 24/10/1973. 

B.  Soldiers who served during the set period of time for less than three days providing their service terminated due to injury, disease or death which happened during their service or, as a result of their service, and are missing and has never been found.

C.  Soldiers who, after the 24/10/1973 and before the signing of the military disengagement agreement (in the southern battlefront on 18/1/1974 and in the northern battlefront on 31/5/1974) were wounded, ill or their illness worsened or died or went missing during as a result of their service. 

D.  Civilians who are security forces personnel who engaged during the set period of time (section A above) for 18 consecutive days or more, including those of the armament industries, officials dealing with state of national economy emergency system and state institutions, as specified by law.

E.  Civilians who were engaged during the set period of time for a term of 18 consecutive days or more in direct assistance to the front units.

F.  Civilians who qualify with one of the terms specified in sections D and E above, will be awarded the ribbon if their work was terminated because of injury or death which occurred during their service and because of their service during the set period of time or after 24/10/1973 and before the sighing of the military disengagement agreement (in the southern battlefront on 18/1/1974 and in the northern battlefront on 31/5/1974), even if they had not fulfilled 18 working days or consecutive military engagements.

If the person eligible for this award has passed away, a family member or next-of kin (which includes, in this instance, a widower, a widow, a son, a daughter, a father, a mother, a brother or a sister) is entitled to submit an application requesting the ribbon, or get a replacement in the event of loss or wear and tear.

Presentation of the ribbon began in 1974.


[The] Peace for the Galilee War Ribbon
אות מלחמת שלום הגליל.jpg

The ribbon is awarded to:

A.  All IDF personnel who served either for a term of three consecutive days or more, during the set period of time which is from the 5/6/1982 to the 29/9/1982. 

B.  Soldiers who served during the set period of time for less than three consecutive days but went missing during their service and has never been found, fell, were taken prisoner or were wounded during their service, was injured or became ill during their service and as a result of their service, or their illness worsened during their service and as a result of their service. 

C.  A soldier who fell during combat action, or went missing, or was taken prisoner in the Lebanon sector after the 29/9/1982 as long as the IDF forces were deployed in this sector.

D.  A soldier who served in the Lebanon sector after the 29/9/1982 and the head of the IDF Chief of Staff /Chief of Personnel Branch or whoever is authorised by him has, after being satisfied that there are special grounds involved, given instructions for the ribbon to be awarded. 

E.  Civilians who are security forces personnel - including employees of the armament industries and state institutions, Officials dealing with state of national economy emergency system, Magen David Adom (first aid workers), as specified by law - who in the set period of time (as specified in section A above) were engaged for 21 consecutive days or more.

F.  A civilian who was engaged during the set period of time for 21 consecutive days or more in direct assistance to the front units. 

G.  Civilians who qualify with one of the terms specified in sections E and F above, will be awarded the ribbon if their work was terminated because of injury or death which occurred during the time they were serving and as a result of their service during the set period of time even if they had not fulfilled 21 working days or successive engagements.

If the person eligible for this award has passed away, a family member or next-of kin (which includes, in this instance, a widower, a widow, a son, a daughter, a father, a mother, a brother or a sister) is entitled to submit an application requesting the ribbon, or get a replacement in the event of loss or wear and tear.

Presentation of the ribbon began in 1983.