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On-line Application



Information for the Applicant

  • This is an On-Line process for submitting an Encryption License Application.

  • In order to offer you the best service please fill out the form with the most accuracy.

  • Fields marked with * are required fields.

  • You can save the company's data permanently for more applications by using a "Cookie".

  • At the end of the application process you will be asked to e-mail a technical description of the product, such as an original Datasheet or White-paper from the manufacturer.

  • We cannot process the application without the technical information so we recommend that you prepare them in advance.

  • It is recommended that the supporting technical information will be sent to us in a known format such as rtf, doc or pdf.

  • If this is the first time that you apply for an Encryption License you should also send us a signed applicant declaration, this is a one-time declaration and it is valid for all future applications. Applicant's Declaration

  • For more information please call us at 972-73-3531029

  • Remark:

This On-Line process is secured by a 128Bit SSL encryption

Please contact the IMOD Encryption Control Unit if you wish to coordinate the transfer of such messages or information by an alternative means.​

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