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Decoration of State Warriors
עיטור לוחמי המדינה.png

The decoration is awarded to (for civil wear).

Anyone who was a member of one of the military or paramilitary organizations organizations, who fought for the resurrection of the State of Israel from the time of "HaShomer" till the time of the establishment of the State, in a period dating from 1909 up until the establishment of the State.

The ministerial committee for symbols and ceremonies decided that all who were members of one of the following groups or categories for six months or more before the establishment of the State are eligible for a decoration [excluding people from Gahal (Mobilization From Abroad) and Machal (Volunteers in Israel's War of Independence from Abroad) where there is no term restriction: 

 * HaShomer 

  * Nili 

  * Haganah 

 * The Irgun (ETZEL) 

  * The Stern Gang (LEHI) 

  .* One who is eligible for the volunteer award

  * Hamishmar 

  * The Nazi Fighter Ribbon 

  * Those imprisoned by the Mandatory Regime 

  * Those imprisoned by the Mandatory Regime 

  * All the bodies and organisations which dealt with dealing with haa'pala (illegal immigration) and "Bricha" (fleeing) 

  * Volunteers for the mandatory police and the "Notrim" (guards) units (a Jewish special police force carrying only small arms).  

  .* The Jewish Legion during the World War I 

  * Soldiers who served in the allied forces, underground fighters, partisans, the fighting rebels against the ghetto and the various underground members of the death camps in the World War II inferno. 

  .* Members of Gachal and Machal 

If the person eligible for this award has passed away, a family member (a spouse, a son, a daughter, a father, a mother, a brother, a sister, a grandson, a granddaughter) is entitled to submit an application requesting the ribbon, or an equivalent to the decoration in event of loss or wear and tear.

Presentation of the ribbon began in 1968. 


Mandate Prisoners Decoration
עיטור אסורי שלטון המנדט.png

The ribbon is awarded to:

All those who were arrested or jailed by the British authorities for engagement with or membership in one of the underground movements or military or paramilitary organisations, that took part in the struggle against the British government in Israel at the time preceding the establishment of the State and that, as a result of their service, were jailed for a period exceeding six months.

If the person eligible for this award has passed away, a family member (a spouse, a son, a daughter, a father, a mother, a brother, a sister, a grandson, a granddaughter) is entitled to submit an application requesting the ribbon, or an equivalent to the decoration in event of loss or wear and tear.

Presentation of the ribbon began in 1984 


[The] Operational Service Badge
אות השירות המבצעי.png

The ribbon is awarded to:

All those who served in a combat (fighting) unit for an overall period of eighteen months, or more.

All those who were engaged in military action for four consecutive months, or more. 


Israel Security Prize